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- Award Lagi.....
Aku dapat award lagi nih. kali ini aku dapetnya dari bro Zetro .
padahal aku beberapa hari ini kan nggak pernah online soalnya lagi syuper syibuk macem-macem. sok iye banget ya ? he he he
to bro zetro....thanks a lot...
Uber (synonym to Super) Amazing Blog Award is a blog award given to sites who:
~ Inspires you
~ Makes you smile and laugh
~ Or maybe gives amazing information
~ A great read
~ Has an amazing design
~ And any other reasons you can think of that makes them uber amazing
The rules of this award are:
* Copy the badge and put the logo on your sidebar or blog post.
* Nominate at least 5 blogs (can be more) that for you are Uber Amazing!
* Let them know that they have received this Uber Amazing award by commenting on their blog.
* Share the love and link to this post and this is the person you received your award from.
* Come back and comment here so that your link could be added to the master list of awardees.
There are 5 blogger is entitled to receive this award :
1. mbah semar
2. che_3z
3. azwinner
4. anna ferdiana
5. delia
buat sodara-sodari blogger yang aku sayangi
selamat ngerjain...
selamat repot....
selamat deh pokoknya...
trus buat yang belom dapet....
sorimoridori stroberi ya....
ntar kalo ada award lagi aku kasih deh he he he
keep blogging bro !!!

waduh bos terima kasih banyak, matur nuwun sanget.. tapi kulo niki boten ngertos, kudu yok opo ? :? dan lagi aku sungkan jika diberikan award, aku niki just wong cilik, wong ndeso, wong tani yang sehari hari kerjanya di sawah mem"bajak" buat kesejahteraan wong akeh
BalasHapusMantappp...Seep Sob...Thx.
BalasHapus@Mbah Semar...langsung di pendhet mawon Mbah...
Mboten nopo - nopo kok...