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- Surat FIFA ke PSSI = Tipuan Sampah
Posted by : ngatmow
PARAH.....haya itu kalimat yang pantas kita tujukan buat PSSI pimpinan Nurdin Halid yang semakin tidak tahu malu.
Demi menangkal adanya gelombang "kebangkitan" Sepakbola Modern Indonesia melalui LPI yang semakin hari semakin jelas bermutu dan mendapat respon positif yang luar biasa dari masyarakat, PSSI sampai menggunakan cara-cara licik untuk "membela diri".
Setelah beberapa saat yang lalu mereka menggunakan nama Arthur Irawan yang mereka sebut bermain untuk Klub di Divisi Championship Inggris (padahal sebenarnya di Lyton Town yang 12 level di bawahnya), sekarang mereka menggunakan dalih Surat dari FIFA yang menyebutkan bahwa FIFA akan menghukum LPI......padahal faktanya ???
Sangat Mencurigakan keasliannya.
Berikut isi dari surat itu :
"We understand from your letter that the PSSI has repeatedly delivered warnings to the parties on this issue. On that basis and based on the statutes of FIFA, PSSI must impose sanctions, to all affiliated clubs, officials involved, including the players who registered at PSSI , including representatives from the players involved in the activities of LPI.
We remind you, that PSSI must be in line with the FIFA Statutes and a violation of it will impose sanctions (in accordance with Article 13 of the Statutes of FIFA). "
We ask you to continue to inform the development of this problem and we also will continue to follow the development of the case. If this problem persists, we had no choice but to bring this case to trial Fifa Associations Committee scheduled on March 1, 2011 in order to determine the steps to be taken olhe FIFA. "
We remind you, that PSSI must be in line with the FIFA Statutes and a violation of it will impose sanctions (in accordance with Article 13 of the Statutes of FIFA). "
We ask you to continue to inform the development of this problem and we also will continue to follow the development of the case. If this problem persists, we had no choice but to bring this case to trial Fifa Associations Committee scheduled on March 1, 2011 in order to determine the steps to be taken olhe FIFA. "
Setelah meneliti suratnya FIFA ke PSSI, saya menemukan beberapa KEJANGGALAN sebagai berikut :
- Dikirim tanggal 10 Januari 2011 dibalas tanggal 11 Januari 2011. Seperti yg dibilang Humas LPI, sangat janggal FIFA begitu cepat membalas surat PSSI. Pada kasus ricuh kepemimpinan PSSI-nyaFilipina (yang sepertinya lebih penting dari kasus Liga Tarkam), surat dari Sekjen PFF tanggal 6 Desember 2010 baru dibalas oleh FIFA tanggal 20 Desember 2010.
- Halaman ke-2 hanya berisi tanda tangan saja. Seperti yg juga dibilang Humas LPI, dalam surat resmi yg lebih dari 1 halaman sanggat janggal halaman ke-2 hanya berisitanda tangan saja. Biasanya paragraf terakhir ditarik ke halaman ke-2. Semua mesti sudah maklum bahwa secara logika hal ini memang lazim untuk menghindari penyalahgunaan tanda tangan pada halaman ke-2.
- Penggunaan kalimat penutup "We thank you for your cooperation" atau versi indonesia-nya "Terima kasih atas kerjasamanya". Gaya kalimat tersebut sangat "Indonesia banget". Saya sdh membaca beberapa belas contoh surat dari FIFA yang diterbitkan selama tahun 2010, tidak ada satupun yang ditutup dengan kalimat persis seperti di atas. Kalaupun ada kata "kerjasama/cooperation" biasanya tidak sependek itu, contohnya : "We thank you for taking note and your valuable cooperation in this matter" atau "We would like to thank you once again for your attention to the above and for your cooperation" atau "We thank you for taking note and for your valuable cooperation". Kata-kata "taking note" dan "attention" lebih ditekankan dan tidak pernah ketinggalan mengiringi kata "cooperation". Penggunaan kata "Sincerely yours" dan bukan "Yours Sincerely". Boleh dicek semua surat dari FIFA selalu ditutup dengan "Yours Sincerely" karena bentuk ini bersifat formil dan biasa digunakan dalam british english."Sincerely yours" lebih banyak digunakan di Amerika dan lebih bersifat informil atau ada unsur keakraban antara pengirim dan penerima surat.
- Di atas tanda tangan Sekjen FIFA tertulis "FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION". Semua juga tau kalau FIFA itu singkatannya "FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION". Perhatikan ada kata "DE" sebelum kata FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION. Semua surat FIFA yg saya baca tidak pernah kelupaan mencantuman kata "DE". Selain itu, untuk surat yg ditujukan langsung ke suatu asosiasi sepak bola tertentu dengan kata lain bukan surat edaran/circular atau bukan surat kepada pihak di luar FIFA, biasanya di atas tanda tangan sekjen hanya ditulis "FIFA" saja dan tidak ditulis kepanjangannya.
- CC (carbon copy/tembusan) kepada Sekjen AFC (Alex Soosay) tidak menggunakan gelar "Mr.". Dalam surat formil dan demi kesopanan, tembusan yang ditujukan ke orang tertentu dan mencantumkan namanya, pasti selalu menggunakan gelar "Mr." atau gelar lainnya. Pada surat FIFA kepada Sekjen PFF juga ada tembusan kepada Sekjen AFC dan ditulis seperti ini : "Cc: Mr. Alex Soosay, General Secretary, AFC" sedangkan yang tertulis di surat kepada PSSI : "CC: Alex Soosay, AFC, Secretary General"
Ada lagi bos....
yang ini analisanya Bima Prameswara Said (Editor Goal.com http://twitter.com/bimasaid) dalam beberapa poin, kita sepikiran..
(1) Pada lembar pertama, ini yang bikin surat FIFA tidak jelas dari siapa. Adanya kop FIFA kanan atas, ditujukan ke Sekjen PSSI, tgl 11/1.
(2) Surat ini diawali dengan kalimat yang salah: ""We acknowledge receipt of you letter dated 10 January 2011" --> Excuse me poor grammar.
(3) Lembar pertama dan kedua beda template. Di lembar pertama terdapat footer alamat FIFA, tapi di lembar kedua hanya tertulis angka 2
(4) Sekjen FIFA biasanya menggunakan "Yours sincerely" dan BUKAN "Sincerely yours" (beda lho)
(5) Di lembar kedua hanya terdapat tandatangan Sekjen FIFA Jérôme Valcke tapi sekali lagi, beda template!
(6) Kesalahan grammar surat FIFA: "We kindly ask you to keep us informed about any development" --> seharusnya "of", BUKAN "about".
(7) PSSI mengaku mereka mengirim surat tanggal 10/1, dibalas FIFA via fax pada 11/1, tapi stempel PSSI & presscon pada 13/1. (???)
yang ini analisanya Bima Prameswara Said (Editor Goal.com http://twitter.com/bimasaid) dalam beberapa poin, kita sepikiran..
(1) Pada lembar pertama, ini yang bikin surat FIFA tidak jelas dari siapa. Adanya kop FIFA kanan atas, ditujukan ke Sekjen PSSI, tgl 11/1.
(2) Surat ini diawali dengan kalimat yang salah: ""We acknowledge receipt of you letter dated 10 January 2011" --> Excuse me poor grammar.
(3) Lembar pertama dan kedua beda template. Di lembar pertama terdapat footer alamat FIFA, tapi di lembar kedua hanya tertulis angka 2
(4) Sekjen FIFA biasanya menggunakan "Yours sincerely" dan BUKAN "Sincerely yours" (beda lho)
(5) Di lembar kedua hanya terdapat tandatangan Sekjen FIFA Jérôme Valcke tapi sekali lagi, beda template!
(6) Kesalahan grammar surat FIFA: "We kindly ask you to keep us informed about any development" --> seharusnya "of", BUKAN "about".
(7) PSSI mengaku mereka mengirim surat tanggal 10/1, dibalas FIFA via fax pada 11/1, tapi stempel PSSI & presscon pada 13/1. (???)
Bukti nyata Kesalahan dalam surat itu dari tread punya agan bimaryota :
Football Association of Indonesia (PSSI)
Mr Nugraha BESOES
General Secretary
Fax +62215754766
Zurich, 11 January 2011
The case of Liga Premiere in Indonesia (LPI)
Dear General Secretary (harusnya ada koma neh.....)
We acknowledge receipt of you letter dated 10 January 2011 with regard to the case of the Liga Premiere (LP) in Indonesia and we thank you for it.
The role of the football Association of Indonesia (PSSI) is to organize and supervise football in all its form at national level, as well as to control association football in the territory of your country, as staved in the FIFA statutes as well as in the PSSI statutes (cf. also art 10 and 12 of the FIFA statutes. Furthermore, leagues to a Member of FIFA shall be subordinate to an recognized by that Member (cf. art 8 par. 1 of the FIFA statutes)
We understand from your letter that the PSSI has early reminded on several occasions all relevant parties about the situation under these circumstance and according to FIFA statutes PSSI should sanction all affiliated clubs, affiliated officials and with PSSI registered players including representative team players taking part in the LPI.
We remind you that PSSI must fully comply with FIFA statutes and violation to do so may lead to sanctions (art 13 of the FIFA statutes)
We kindly ask you to send us informed about any development in the regard as we will continue to follow closely the situation. Should the problem persist, we will have no choice but to refer the case to the FIFA Associations Committee scheduled on 1 March 2011 in order to decide on the measures to be taken.
We thank you for your cooperation.
CC: Alex Soosay, AFC General Secretary
Football Association of Indonesia (PSSI)
Mr Nugraha BESOES
General Secretary
Fax +62215754766
Zurich, 11 January 2011
The case of Liga Premiere in Indonesia (LPI)
Dear General Secretary (harusnya ada koma neh.....)
We acknowledge receipt of you letter dated 10 January 2011 with regard to the case of the Liga Premiere (LP) in Indonesia and we thank you for it.
The role of the football Association of Indonesia (PSSI) is to organize and supervise football in all its form at national level, as well as to control association football in the territory of your country, as staved in the FIFA statutes as well as in the PSSI statutes (cf. also art 10 and 12 of the FIFA statutes. Furthermore, leagues to a Member of FIFA shall be subordinate to an recognized by that Member (cf. art 8 par. 1 of the FIFA statutes)
We understand from your letter that the PSSI has early reminded on several occasions all relevant parties about the situation under these circumstance and according to FIFA statutes PSSI should sanction all affiliated clubs, affiliated officials and with PSSI registered players including representative team players taking part in the LPI.
We remind you that PSSI must fully comply with FIFA statutes and violation to do so may lead to sanctions (art 13 of the FIFA statutes)
We kindly ask you to send us informed about any development in the regard as we will continue to follow closely the situation. Should the problem persist, we will have no choice but to refer the case to the FIFA Associations Committee scheduled on 1 March 2011 in order to decide on the measures to be taken.
We thank you for your cooperation.
General Secretary
Jerome ValckeCC: Alex Soosay, AFC General Secretary
Nah silahkan dicermati dan dinilai sendiri. karna sesungguhnya kita bebas untuk menili dan menentukan sikap terhadap apapun dan siapapun.
Sumber : Agan qwh di www.kaskus.us

ah yang boneng gan ??? :-L
BalasHapusMakin dalam dan seru saja persoalan PSSI VS LP ini
BalasHapuskeren gan :j:
BalasHapusok gan..salam kenaln.. gan saya mau ngajak tukeran link.. kira2 agan mau nggk yaa... klo mau agan kunjungi blog saya yaa... di tunggu...
BalasHapusseepp gan..
BalasHapusok gan linknya agan sudah saya pasang.. silahkan di cek...
BalasHapusmksih juga ya dah mau tukeran link.. salam kenal ya gan ;)
BalasHapusHallo gan bila ingin tukeran link bisa kunjungi blog saya di
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